General Informations

You can find the registration form at the bottom of this page.

Before you fill it out, please read the terms and conditions below. Please note that, upon registration, you will be asked for personal details (such as name, surname, date of birth, university affiliation, passport number etc.) and write a brief statement explaining why you’re interested in joining the event.

Posters and Talks

During the event a set of poster session will take place, so everyone is invited to apply and present their current research work, wheter it is part of a thesis project (at bacherlor, master or PhD level) or is an outcome of a summer programme or personal project.

Terms and Conditions

Before you subscribe to the event, please read carefully and take note of the followings:

All personal data will be handled confidentially. It will not be forwarded to any third parties except where necessary for the purpose of the conference. Please keep in mind that we will forward some of the information in your registration form to the Universities and research centres involved, as well as accomodation facilities. We will also send your name and university to the board of the national/local committees of IAPS to check for your IAPS membership. Only students enrolled in a university or similar institution in a physics or physics-related courses can participate, as well as those who received their degree in the last twelve months. By registering, you also confirm that you will be at least 18 years old by the 18th of April 2025. You acknowledge and agree that the organizing committee and the hosts of the event have no responsibility whatsoever for injuries, losses, or damages of any kind that result from your participation in the Lights of Tuscany 2025 programme. You accept the IAPS Code of Conduct. PDF By participating in the event you agree to be filmed, photographed and otherwise recorded during the conference anf hereby expressly grant the organizing committee, AISF and IAPS the right to use your pictures, movie or any other form of media publication in contexts such as internet sites, social media, brochures, posters, informative and advertising materials. You also confirm that the information contained in this application is true and correct. You accept that either the organizing committee, AISF or any other of the hosting institutes cannot be made responsible for the content of any poster, talk, workshop, excursion or similar activity. You accept that, in case of cancellation by a participant, the Organizing Committee will NOT provide a refund of the participation fee once it has been paid. The present terms and conditions are governed by the laws of the Republic of Italy.