General Informations
You can find the registration form at the bottom of this page.
Before you fill it out, please read the terms and conditions below. Please note that, upon registration, you will be asked for personal details (such as name, surname, date of birth, university affiliation, passport number etc.) and write a brief statement explaining why you’re interested in joining the event.
Posters and Talks
During the event a set of poster session will take place, so everyone is invited to apply and present their current research work, wheter it is part of a thesis project (at bacherlor, master or PhD level) or is an outcome of a summer programme or personal project.
Being an AISF member also includes membership to IAPS. Form 40 places are available for this event. Once registration closes, the organizing committee will select the event participants from all applicants, following the selection criteria available on the website. Please note that unfortunately we are not able to provide scholarships and/or bursaries for any students at this time. Please note that participants do not need to be specialized in the field of photonics, but can come from any discipline of physics. Physics students of any age and any year of study can apply. You can find here the selection criteria in english. English PDF You can find here the selection criteria in italian. Italian PDF
Price and What is Included
Please read carefully below.
- accommodation for the nights from May 15th to 19th,
- personalized event gadgets,
- identification badge,
- access to the various facilities and events (university, laboratories, conferences),
- round trip transfer from Pisa to VIRGO
- transport from Pisa to Florence
- the certificate of participation,
- insurance.
If additional services are added, it will be reported in this section of the site.
The price does NOT include anything not explicitly indicated under 'the price includes'. In particular are not included travel toward Pisa and return from Florence, organization and payment of these are in charge of the participant. Meals not specified in the official schedule are not included. The organizing committee will however suggest a few places where to eat and spend some free time.Deadline for Registrations and Payment
Please read carefully below.
Terms and Conditions
Before you subscribe to the event, please read carefully and take note of the followings: